Drinking Water Reservoir, Uptake, Distribution – – Rural Tinco, Peru DWG Full Project for AutoCAD
Plan for project (rural) system drinking water
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
Overflow cone, Holes, your B. Of overflow cleaning according to cond. Of the land, Outlet pipe, layette, gravel, Accented stone with concrete, Granular material classified, gravel, Waterproof material, Concrete filling, layette, Overflow, Network exit, concrete, Overflow cone, Ground level, Overflow cone, your B. Overflow, your B. Output network, Detail of metal lid, metal lid, Iron angle, Metallic iron of mm., dice, Metal hook, Metallic iron of mm., Enter tub, Sale tub., Bronze canastila, metal lid, Bronze canastila, Enter tub, Sale tub., Variale, cut, metal lid, concrete, cut, Detail of metal lid, Iron angle, Metal hook, Metallic iron of mm., Metal hook, Metallic iron of mm., Pvc stopper, Transion of, Nipple, Fo. Galv., Screw cap, elbow, Pvc pvc tee, Galv union., valve, Brick cm., Cm., Concrete data, metal lid, of thickness, purge valve, Of the upper slab, Inspection letter m., your B. Of entry, Handle to lift the lid, Valv. Of income, your B. Of income, your B. Overflow, your B. Output, buoy, Valv. Floater, Longitudinal cut, buoy, layette, Valv. float, Overflow, concrete, your B. Of ventilation with metal grid at outlet, Inspection letter m., Metal hook, dice, Metallic iron of mm., Iron angle, Metallic iron of mm., Metal hook, Small town center of pampash, drinking water, Crp, responsable, assumption, province, Location, Ancash, flat, drawing, design, Lpes, Apartment, Pamapash, Guys, date, scale, Sheet no, oct., location, district, Carhuaz, responsable, province, Multivalent, Drinking water tinco, Amplification improvement, drawing, design, Location, Apartment, Lpes, flat, Ancash, Tinco, location, Tinco, date, scale, Sheet no, district, June, Carhuaz, responsable, province, Set-up valve bleed valve, Drinking water tinco, Amplification improvement, drawing, design, Location, Apartment, Lpes, flat, Ancash, Tinco, location, Tinco, date, scale, Sheet no, district, June, tube, longitudinal, cross, plant, Rated gravel, gate valve, tube, tube, Rated gravel, View in, Percolation well, The pipe will go directly this will not be done, If there were drainage channels in the place, According to detail, Height of the wall will be installed, Note: in case of a crowbar valve, the, perspective, Fordilla, Type valve detail, tube, Well-tamped ground, Rated gravel, Rated gravel, Height for fordilla type, tube, Well-tamped ground, Rated gravel, assumption, responsable, province, Sink type, Small town center of pampash, drinking water, drawing, design, Location, Apartment, Lpes, flat, Ancash, Pamapash, location, Guys, date, scale, Sheet no, district, oct., Moretro for slope, Plaster with polished mortar, With sika cement, Inspection letter m., Ventilation pipe, layette, your B. Output, your B. Overflow, Valv., Overflow cone, your B. For static level control, your B. Of entry, your B. For static level control, Overflow cone, clamp, layette, Valv., your B. Overflow, your B. Output, plant, Esc:, cut, Armor in court, Esc:, Roof truss, Esc:, Valve stand, Esc:, Longitudinal cut, Plant view, your B. Static level control, your B. Of entry, your B. Overflow, your B. Overflow, your B. Clean, Perspective view, cut, your B. Output network, Overflow cone, your B. Overflow, layette, Outlet pipe, Ground level, gravel, your B. Of overflow cleaning according to cond. Of the land, Holes, Overflow cone, Carhuaz, Drinking water tinco, Amplification improvement, Mulan ii capture, province, responsable, Detail of metal lid, Ancash, flat, Lpes, Apartment, Location, design, drawing, June, Tinco, district, Sheet no, scale, date, location, Concrete filling, Granular material classified, Iron angle, Network exit, layette, Accented stone with concrete, Overflow cone, concrete, Overflow, metal lid, gravel, Metallic iron of mm., Metal hook, Metallic iron of mm., Metal hook, dice, Waterproof material, Sale tub. Overflow, Arrives tub. Pvc of, Sale tub. Pvc of, Valv. from, your B. Of overflow pvc, Bronze basket, Overflow cone, Accented stone with concrete, metal lid, Overflow, concrete, Overflow cone, layette, Network exit, Waterproof material, gravel, Granular material classified, Concrete filling, camera, Camera ii, location, date, scale, Sheet no, district, Tinco, June, drawing, design, Location, Apartment, Lpes, flat, Ancash, responsable, province, Mula iii, Amplification improvement, Drinking water tinco, Carhuaz, Metal hook, dice, Metal hook, Metallic iron of mm., Metallic iron of mm., Iron angle, Detail of metal lid, Ag
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Full Project |
Category | Water Sewage & Electricity Infrastructure |
Additional Screenshots | Missing Attachment |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Concrete |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Car Parking Lot |
Tags | autocad, distribution, drinking, DWG, fornecimento de água, full, kläranlage, l'approvisionnement en eau, PERU, plan, Project, reservoir, rural, supply, system, treatment plant, uptake, wasserversorgung, water |