Gran Mendoza Updated DWG Block for AutoCAD




Map of Mendoza updated; with West corridor and different developments

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

of June, to. godoy, Father will see, dr. brandi, m. from san martin, grenadiers, of June, to. godoy, Father will see, dr. brandi, m. from san martin, miter, juan agustin, cemetery, lujan, Urquiza, September, ozamis c., from maipú, alvarez, tucapel, vidal saw, rivadavia, of June, to. godoy, Father will see, dr. brandi, and. civit, m. from san martin, to. storni, v. saw, nerviani, father vazquez, pablo pescara, chancellor’s quarter, pereyra, gral. lavalle, g. mistral, j. b. martinez, Street, safe, United Nations, jj, alte. brown, ln German, jofre, sanchez, felucca, s.cabral, safe, m. from san martin, of June, j.a. mace, amaya, ant. Argentina, pain, gorriti, saint Louis, Street, corvalan, giol, F. from lucia, lane gomez, bufano, yapeyu, Chile, Spain, fourcade, Street, boedo, Street, felucca, j.newbery, matienzo, Street, rio mendoza, Black river, j.m. peace, belt, barrier, v. of mercy, m. Argentine, laprida, to. condarco, s. guevara, to. villanueva, s.lorenzo, beltran, to the street, c.boedo, parera, alvarez, alberdi, Saavedra, Italy, liniers, carreno, station, rivas, chavarria, gutierrez, chancellor’s quarter, ameghino, sarmiento, luzuriaga variant, mallea, j. v. gonzalez, pje Syria, berutti, penality, varaschin, gutierrez, mauricio shals, fleming, olazabal, o’brien, guisasola, i. ork, mallea, San Juan, ricardo thiele, r. saenz pena, bordim, i. fallow, independence, guemes, muniz, martinez de rosas, rodriguez, neighborhood galiño, balcarce, french, big bell, lot, vargas, lugones, reconquest, m. cane, j. to. rock, j. Hernandez, tucapel, vidal saw, belgrano, rivadavia, grenadiers, vergara, palm, j. to. ozamis, t. soda, of June, to. godoy, Father will see, dr. brandi, and. civit, maipu club, oliver salmon, buddy, m. from san martin, to. storni, v. saw, nerviani, sarmiento, juan d. peron, San Martin, p. Argentine, godoy cross, pablo pescara, chancellor’s quarter, pereyra, gral. lavalle, j. b. fair, g. mistral, j. b. martinez, Street, safe, United Nations, to. suarez, jj, alte. brown, ln German, jofre, sanchez, felucca, s.cabral, safe, and. saez, c.ozamis, m. from san martin, of June, j.a. mace, amaya, ant. Argentina, gorriti, saint Louis, Street, palaces, Constitution, corvalan, giol, September, F. from lucia, lane gomez, bufano, yapeyu, Chile, Spain, fourcade, uriburu, the wineries, station, furlotti, rep. from Lebanon, of April, capetillo, angel cicutto, r. gil, alley castro, the malcayaes, Street, felucca, j.newbery, barcala, matienzo, the Liberator, coquimbito, Street, barcala, Street, b. mexico, bº maipu, rio mendoza, Black river, j.m. peace, belt, barrier, v. of mercy, m. Argentine, laprida, to. condarco, s. guevara, to. villanueva, s.lorenzo, beltran, to the street, c.boedo, parera, alvarez, alberdi, Saavedra, liniers, carreno, station, rivas, p.vazquez, chavarria, gutierrez, miter, bº tropero sosa, b amupe, bº antartida argentina, bº san eduardo, bº antartida argentina, chaco, jujuy, catamarca, s. lorenzo, c.ozamis, currents, m. we read, j. m. irusta, c. vigil, chubut, Santa Cruz, neuquen, the Rioja, jumps, Cordova, Santa Fe, Formosa, chaco, missions, sgo of the estero, bareboat, of May, serna, gil, cicutto, capetillo, rep. from Lebanon, furlotti, santo patrono santiago, from maipú, o’higgins park, drilling o.s., maure dam, second shadow, elena de roffo, pray, pablo churches, dam, futaleufu, according

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
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Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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    September 18, 2017

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