Hospital Type Ii For Pomalca DWG Full Project for AutoCAD

Project developed in Pomalca according the health problematic of Pomalca

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

design :,, drawing :, vb:, drawing :, date :, scale :, july christian, sheet :, course :, design workshop, architectural, fau – udch, project:, faculty of architecture and urbanism, January, law, chiclayo, private university, lamadrid morals, vii, chair :, arq. enrique frias arica, arq. francisco hoyos, arq. fernando bartra, first level, report, public hall in general, technical circulation, medical records files, general public income, personnel control, pharmacy, medicine sales., cash, medicine delivery, sh, outpatient consultation, waiting for the public, circulation of the public, emergency exit, help with the diagnosis and treatment, ofc. pharmaceutical chemistry, admission, pediatrics, general surgery, internal medicine, gastroenterology, dentistry, cardiology, gynecology – obstetrics, preparation of medicines, general public up, waiting room, attention, cold chamber of cadaveres, preparation cadaveres, sterile. rapid, autopsy room, of.patologo, anatomia patalogica, hall, cremation, ss.hh., doctor, ladies, men, dressing, x-rays, control, reading plates, dark room, supplies, reception, ultrasound, bacterology, chemistry, hematology, storage of reagents, sterilization, washing, samples, cubicle of samples, head of microbiology, blood bank, cubiculo of samples, ss. hh, changing rooms, immunology, injectable topic, immunizations, injecting material deposit, immunization material deposit, deposit, stretchers and wheelchair, men observation room, emergency unit, nurses station, national police, topico of pediatrics, topico gine. obstacle, topical med. general, triaje, topico electro chok, topico gereatria, ss. hh women, ss. hh males, ambulance desgraga platform, emergency hall, women observation room, emergency equipment deposit, kitchen, nurses, mechanotherapy, hydrotherapy, cold water, hot water, physical medicine and rehabilitation, ironing, kitchen, pantry, refrigerator, served, medicine store, general store, desk supplies, office, equipment store, garbage tank, cleaning room, maintenance workshop, electric generator, pump electro, garden deposit, headquarters, warehouse tools , deposit of materials, surveillance, walls coating, hospitalization, of. medical, isolated cto, hospital top, clean, dirty, station nurses, secretary gen., address, administration, meeting room, file, audit, supply, assistant soc., ss. hh, wait, the general public goes up, ss. H H. v, ss. H H . d, being of patients, change of stretcher, adm and control, evaluation and preparatory room, non-rigid zone, semi-restricted area, restricted area, obstetric center, dilatation room, observation room, ss.hh, rop. limp, rop. suc., attention to the newborn, dep. sterile material, sterilization rape, obstetric surgery, men’s dressing room, ladies’ dressing room, neonatology, nurseries, recep mater, lav instrum, sterile material and equipment deposit, isolated room, surgical center, delivery of material, clean clothes, limp instruments , prepare solution, work table, anesthesiologist, anesthesiologist workshop, sterilization area, doctor’s hall, nurses’ bedroom, doctor’s bedroom, clean clothes, dirty clothes, floor deposit, service hall, service hall, flat lava, be of med. enf., ss.hh. ladies, medication, technique, circulation, expulsion room, circulation service, chapel, cafeteria, trade, court a – a, court b – b, court c – c, court d – d, main elevation, lateral elevation, cuts – elevations , delivery of, medicine, internal, medicine, men, surgery of, women, office of hospitalization, obstetrics, entrance to the parking lot, carrousel trail, entrance of medical personnel, entrance to emergency, n ”

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Parking
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