Installation Gas In Hospital – Project DWG Full Project for AutoCAD




Project installation gas in hospital

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

outer wall, circulation ext. without rev., ext. with rev., interior partition, partition hºaº, blindex enclosure, public, circulations, restricted public, technical, room evolution, clothing, white, dirty, lava, flat, bathroom, office, depº, lavº, comfort, nursing, doctors, wait , bº publº, men, women, room, evolution, wardrobe, nursing, sewing, lav. and, rep., cars, centrifuge, drying, washing, dto., lav., delivery, clas., supplies, general, deposit, drivers, organization, deposits, surveillance, rac ‘s server, board, central, transf ., garage, ambulances, living room, dormitim, mantenimº, workshop, masonry, electricity, boss, maintenance, camera, autopsy, office, income inputs, group, generator, control, trafo, tac, bº disc., boss., secr. , dposit., jef., off., adm., imag., doctor, guard, dept., mat. rod., plaster, sutures, notif., patients, of., enf., reception, secretary, consult., bank, skin, automatic, hopper, material, clean, hygienic, shock, room, access, emergency, shifts, or. and .r., triage, rec., jefat., vig., observ., laboratory, secret. info, cons.jefe, recovery, uro, culture, bact., biochemistry, and routines, burn unit, ultrasound, air lock, ext., isolated, discp., oratory, billing, rrhh, psycho., sind., work , social, comp., vigil., cameras, stories, clinics, file, passive, ac, computos, ofic., fact., administration, personnel, clean, woman, hom., emerg., statistics, ctro., service of tocoginecologia, procedure room, tocoginecologia, urodynamics, urology service, andrologia, external offices, urology, bº med. h, bº discp., gastroenterology, dentistry, procedures, lavachatas, pharmacy, attention to the public, headship, refraction, refrigerators, cafeteria, used clothes, waste, pathogenic, medical room, rx, lavachata, arsenal, locks, rolling, pharmaceutical. , dirty, deposit, room, guard, reports, restricted, used, sterilization., pathogenic., ch., box, extracc., bco., sang., filtr., treat, water, isolated, gym, bº discp ., operating room, reception, instrumentation, technical circulation, call center, pre, transfer, surgical, stretcher, outpatient, bathroom, central nursing, central monitoring, medical direction surgery, post-surgical recovery, secretary, projection skylight, bank transfer , preparation, pharmacy arsenal, medicine reception, rolling stock arsenal, washing, pathological anatomy, cleaning, office, sterilizing clothes, supplies deposit, sterilizing waste, cars, delivery sterile material, registration, lavº vias resp, lavº supplies, air lock, sterile area, cuaren tena, discharge eto, switch, charge eto, stove, sº maq, eto, conditioning, emergency shower, drying preparation- boxes, negº, ambulatory access, access beds, electro medicine, sat ups, decontamination, cleaning, temporary deposit pathogenic waste, central monitoring, smoking area, personnel office, keys and deposit, general women’s clothing, general men’s clothing, belen orderlies, office pathogenic waste, changing rooms, pathogenic waste, women’s changing rooms, office cleaning company, changing rooms cleaning men, changing rooms kitchen men, bar, kitchen, trays, preparation, carts-trays, commissary, secret., camera, fruit, veget., carnidos, ironing, laundry double lid, shoulder, secretary and reception , room maq. medical gases, used, l. ch., clean clothes, p.f.e., bº disc, personal comfort, saves equipment, pileton with decanter, general wait outside offices, bº m, bº h, mat. used, mat. clean, water, drainage, medical room guard, shifts external offices, motility, bº med. m, silent camera, otorhinolaryngology procedure room, public circulation, otorhinolaryngology, autoservice, box, medicine arsenal, laminar flow, air extractor, bº disc. h, ennfermeria tocog., admission tocoginecologia office, sub station server, access hospitalization, central telephone, private patient care, blacksmith shop, locksmith, carpinteria, deposit tacos, histopatologia, microbiology, cleaning deposit, secretary hospital day, tank, oxygen , liquid, medicinal, gasifier, tank, vacuum pump, out, battery air, ee, fire, tank cistern, convector oven, fryer, bain-marie, bifera, stove, indirect glycerin kettle, projection hood, projection filter panels with trap gauze duct with mechanical extraction, purifier oil, gas, reserve cylinder, regulator, llp, protected pipe, room, deposit., rx – tac, office, hematology, gynecology service, gynecology, urodynamics, balcony, sub, director, administr ., assistance, services, executive, technicians, foyer, meeting room, main, copying center, and library, dining room, planning, foyer, high floor, food , be doctors office, gynecology admission office, terrace balcony, ref

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Masonry, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garage
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