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Installing Gas DWG Plan for AutoCAD

Gas installation of a cultural center – General plan -elevation

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Biblio cad, area of, Theoretical area, professor, Wet drying area, Welding area, work area, Wet area, Drying area, area of, Diners, Sales space, service yard, kitchen, Sales material store, N.p.t., Street cotorinas, av. Water heaters, Of visual arts, Esc, Autonomador de aguascalientes architecture semester architectural design iv, empty, ramp, Saved material, Saved from, area of, N.p.t., Fields, Women’s baths, bathrooms, N.p.t., bridge, terrace, rooftop, Of visual arts, Esc, av. Water heaters, Street cotorinas, Autonomador de aguascalientes architecture semester architectural design iv, study, Rest area, N.p.t., Fields, N.p.t., Saved material, N.p.t., Saved material, N.p.t., Rest area, N.p.t., platform, ramp, its T. Bikes, Personal access, N.p.t., av. Water heaters, Street cotorinas, Esc, Visual arts, Autonomador de aguascalientes architecture semester architectural design iv, control, container, Personal service access, container, Projection false ceiling, Fields, Projection false ceiling, N.p.t., dump, waiting room, Outdoor exhibition space, N.p.t., N.p.t., Cleaning staff storage space, machine room, Women’s health, Sanitary, Yard for cargo maneuvers download, administrative area, boardroom, archive, Projection false ceiling, N.p.t., N.p.t., receiver, N.p.t., Gallery, N.p.t., warehouse, N.p.t., Women’s baths, Men’s baths, N.p.t., Cleaning warehouse, N.p.t., square, N.p.t., N.p.t., display, Exterior, N.p.t., Projection false ceiling, Saved material, Rest area, Work area metal sculpture cast, Painting work area, Work area drawing, Drawing terrace, Admon health. women, archive, Work area cubicles, Secretary, Multipurpose room, lobby, Loading platform download, Rest area, Photo studio, cut, Of visual arts, Esc, Autonomador de aguascalientes architecture semester architectural design iv, parking lot, archive, lobby, Gallery, Cafeteria, Cleaning staff, warehouse, Drying area, Laundry area, work area, lobby, Work area cubicles, Multipurpose room, terrace, Molding area, guarded, Sanitary, level, cut, Yard for cargo maneuvers download, lift truck, Storage area, Wet area drying, Molding area, Welding area, administrative area, Outdoor exhibition space, terrace, stairs, terrace, warehouse, cut, Parking access, Parking exit, women bathroom, Material store, women bathroom, men’s bathroom, Service yard, Sales space, Gallery, warehouse, women bathroom, receiver, cut, level, rooftop, Visual arts, Esc, av. Water heaters, Street cotorinas, Autonomador de aguascalientes architecture semester architectural design iv, Fields, N.p.t., rooftop, platform, ramp, its T. Bikes, Personal access, Outdoor exhibition space, N.p.t., control, container, N.p.t., container, Yard for cargo maneuvers download, Personal service access, container, N.p.t., dump, archive, N.p.t., area of, N.p.t., guarded, parking lot, N.p.t., av. Water heaters, Street cotorinas, Visual arts basement, Esc, Autonomador de aguascalientes architecture semester architectural design iv, ramp, Fields, dump, Low i.g, Up i.g, Stationary gas cap. Kg brand armebe finished model: phosphatized with electrostatic application of baked powder paint, Stove with a comal rosticero consumption:, Theoretical area, professor, Wet drying area, Welding area, work area, Wet area, Drying area, area of, Diners, Sales space, service yard, kitchen, Sales material store, N.p.t., Street cotorinas, av. Water heaters, Of visual arts, Esc, Autonomador de aguascalientes architecture semester architectural design iv, empty, ramp, Saved material, Saved from, area of, N.p.t., Fields, Women’s baths, bathrooms, N.p.t., bridge, terrace, study, N.p.t., Saved material, N.p.t., platform, ramp, Personal access, N.p.t., av. Water heaters, Street cotorinas, Esc, Visual arts, Autonomador de aguascalientes architecture semester architectural design iv, control, container, Personal service access, container, Projection false ceiling, Fields, Projection false ceiling, N.p.t., dump, waiting room, Outdoor exhibition space, N.p.t., N.p.t., Cleaning staff storage space, machine room, Women’s health, Sanitary, Yard for cargo maneuvers download, administrative area, boardroom, archive, Projection false ceiling, N.p.t., N.p.t., receiver, N.p.t., Gallery, N.p.t., warehouse, N.p.t., Women’s baths, Men’s baths, N.p.t., Cleaning warehouse, N.p.t., square, N.p.t., N.p.t., display, Exterior, N.p.t., Projection false ceiling, go

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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