Minidepartamento DWG Section for AutoCAD




small apartment with garage included; with shop and reception. Plants – sections – installations

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Typical detail of lightweight, beam: vb, beams frame, technical specifications, – unit: king kong clay bricks, confinement column, structural beams, confinement columns, – iron joints, structural columns, footings, – masonry compression: , – solid brick kk clay:, – specific masonry weight:, false floor, sobrecimientos, stair detail, hor. compacted, natural terrain, floor, laundry, n.p.t., shower, key, lavatory, toilet, for sanitary appliances, exit heights, height of sanitary appliances, symbol, fixed to the head of the corresponding accessory., same material of the finished floor. in indicated dimensions, – the pipes and accessories for drainage and ventilation, will be of pvc rigid sap, – the threaded registers will be made of bronze, with airtight threaded cover and will, – the boxes of registers will be installed in places indicated in the drawings , seran, accessories of the same material, with joints sealed with special glue, – the pipes to be used in the networks will be pvc lightweight type pvc-salt with, drain label, technical specifications, tests :, without presenting loss of level, – slopes for drainage pipes :, ventilation hat., for pvc pipe. according to standards., straight tee, drain pipe, ventilation pipe, drain network :, description, roof ventilation terminal, drain, reduction, bronze threaded register, sanitary tee, cold water pipe, cross connection without connection, legend water, tee, check valve, gate valve, universal union, tee down, tee up, hot water pipe, meter, – all materials, pipes and accessories to be used in the networks, – hot water pipes seran of c-pvc rigid of union to simple, – special glue will be used for c pvc. with appropriate thermal insulation., will install a universal union, in the case of visible pipes and two, – the gate valves will be of bronze seat, in each valve will be, – the cold water and hot water networks will be tested with pumps of hand to, – all the hot water route will be protected with material, national regulations of constructions of Peru, cold, hot water, will be of good quality according to the pressure and accessories of the same material., universal unions when install the valve in box or niche., water network:, diagram of electrical installation piles, first floor, tg, hidrandina sa, second floor, third floor, roof, arrives from the dealer, general board loads table, electric stove, refrigerator , feeder calculation:, total, load to hire, circuits, interior lighting and, outlet, freezer, other loads, electric pump, electric kitchen outlet, lighting, single-line diagram td terminal, md, meter, receptacle, reservation, intercom, american standard, porcelain – white, at each end, shoe mesh, according to the picture, shoe, shoe detail, stirrups of izage, ax, according to picture of footings, according to column chart, connection beam, welded to the pipe for, anchoring in concrete, detail of flange breaks water, welding, galvanized iron nipple, anti-blast grid, air gap, stop level, starting level, pvc -sap, hat, ventilation, tub. of cleaning, reduction of, distribution amounts, automatic electrical system, sanitary cover, elevated tank, .s:, x:, k:, bank of switches, detail of symbology of, m, n, p:, circuit, no. of, outputs of luminaires, agrees with all, subindice q ‘indicates not of, symbol of the switch, designation of int. that, outputs q ‘controls this bank, via each int. controlled, from the bank, not from int. in the same box, m, n, p, type of luminaire, denomination int. bank, ductile artifact for dichroic lamp, placed in ceiling, dichroic, lamp, incandescent, fluorescent, type of luminaire, iii, display device in thermoplastic material diffuser, features, decorative device type bracket to attach to, luminaire box, – thermomagnetic and differential switches, – door and sheet metal, finished with hammered paint, – wall-mounted box, metal type, distribution board, scaled, with trap , or similar, telephone, telephone from Peru, tilt, without scale, phone jack on floor, national building, cne tomo i and v, the law of concessions, electric and other regulations in force in the specialty., power of rupture screwed or pressure, of amperages given in, single-line diagram and dimensions given by the provider house., millimeter sections indicated in plan and diagrams, or if not, for the arrivals it is used Heavy-type boxes, for the branch circuits and the heavy type for the feeder, faces and dimensions indicated in the legend., technical specifications

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Section
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Masonry, Plastic, Other
Measurement Units Imperial
Footprint Area
Building Features Garage
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  • Released

    December 15, 2017

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