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Multifamily Building DWG Plan for AutoCAD

Architectural plans of buildings of 9 floors

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

bathroom, projection tank, common terrace, inaccessible slab, foundation plane, site plan and roofs, north view, plant machinery room, room, bedroom, projection av. mario market, transformers, living – dining room, cut-to-a ‘, green area, room, machines, slab room, terrace, inaccessible slab, west view, south view, kitchen, hall, bathroom v., hall main entrance, machines , storage, court b-b ‘, semisotano plant, east view, room co-owners, tank cistern, s. pump, v e c o n, east view, municipal limit, sidewalk cord edge, road axis, light vacuum, kitchenette, administration, porter, av. mario market, full ground, shaft, ventilation, meter board, ladder type, d-d ‘cut, sidewalk, bathroom, lav., pantry, shaft pb, kitchen, dining room, b. service, b. serv., dorm. service, skylight, b. visits, dorm., fluvial, empty, flown, dorm. serv., post, building looks l, heater, calefon, may stumble, but will not fall, because the Lord holds him by the hand. all this be for his glory., lime

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features
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