Pdu – 06 Urban Structure Current DWG Plan for AutoCAD




Urban Development Plan City of ILO

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

meters, October, luis e valcarcel, enace, of May, cease, new city, urban center, Joseph, new ilo, breezes, Carlos, mariategui, cabbages, tip, airport, garden City, Cetostearyl, workers, of the, education, the Angels, urb. ghersi, asoc., urb., valley, Processing facilities, wastewater treatment, Beach, half Moon, Beach, well of smooth, high, warms up blacks, port, English, coquina, forest, tasting tasting, terminal, land, terminals, rio osmore, district boundary, miramar, p.j., principal, port, meters, district boundary, large grass project boundary, study area limit, natural areas, major infrastructure sector, forest tasting tasting, English port, airport, skeptics, tastings, sector pacocha, wireless pampa sector, garden City, new city, military reserve, residential, marine terminals, south bass, North East, northwest, old town center, central sector, urban use areas, symbol, description, symbol, urban use areas, symbol, urban use areas, symbol, legend, military reserve, beach, non-urbanized areas, city, informal settlements sector, high ilo, kennedy, miramar, Miguel Grade, beautiful horizon, san gerónimo, axes of provincial integration, nucleated urban services, main axes of urban articulation, current urban structure, master plan of the city of ilo, flat, sheet, region, province, district, scale, date, moquegua, yl, graph, dec., ministry of transport communications, National Institute, home construction, developmental, urban, from ilo, provincial, municipality, area of ​​study area, master plan of the city of ilo, flat, sheet, region, province, district, scale, date, moquegua, yl, graph, nov., ministry of transport communications, National Institute, home construction, developmental, urban, from ilo, provincial, municipality, meters, town garden little with basic services equipment, new homogeneous with problems of normativity, old urban of various uses incompatible: night generate spatial friction disorder. deterioration of monumental value., Maritimo expansion areas accessibility problems generates frictions with old town, military possible urban expansion area., conglomerate of factories, petro is pending change of use due to incompatible risk activity, military, vallejo little consolidated in risk zone due to natural disasters, homogeneous with uses not compatible with lot dimensions: workshops., wireless homogeneous in consolidation with deficit of services road infrastructure, pasture large conflict with future areas of urban expansion, informal chancery in potential expansion areas., Terrestrial terminal is not in operation., unoccupied industrial zone., industrial park not consolidated invasions on area reserved for industry., installed subutilised il., area of ​​storage services., well of recreational smooth with tourist potential., underutilized, growing tourist recreation, of aggregates littoral soil, pacocha business activities wholesalers informal trade, south: large infrastructures occupied has. free area has., busy you have. free area has., c

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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Release Information

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  • Released

    September 19, 2017

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