Plano Sewer DWG Section for AutoCAD




Plano culvert sections 06 800 cuts

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Tmc, South peru brazil, Interoceanic road corridor project, Section: san juan de marcona urcos section, contractor, flat:, Project code, Ministry of transport communications, Special project of transport infrastructure, Provias national, date, Rev. :, description, Head of supervision:, date:, Construction manager, Ing. Felix ugarte, Rev., Location:, p., South Building Consortium, Head of topography:, scale, Tmc sewer, Ing. Jorge alvarado, Ing. F. Alfaro, Sewer type tmc km, July, consortium, Union, Ial, downstream, Upstream, Type tmc.ø, Km., Tubing shaft, South peru brazil, Interoceanic road corridor project, Section: san juan de marcona urcos section, contractor, flat:, Project code, Ministry of transport communications, Special project of transport infrastructure, Provias national, Head of supervision:, date:, Construction manager, Ing. Felix ugarte, Rev., Location:, South Building Consortium, technical manager:, scale, Tmc sewer, Sewer type tmc km, consortium, Union, Ial, Ositran, Supervisory body of the investment in, Public transport transport infrastructure, blueprints, sector:, flat:, p., August, Ing. Efrain rondinel, Ing. Richard bonilla r., Union vial consortium, Builder consortium, from the south, Project code, Ministry of transport communications, Special project of transport infrastructure, Provias national, ministry, Communications, transportation, Vice minister, transportation, You provided, national, Sewer mca km, Typical section, Ground level, Bottom fund, mileage, natural terrain, Mca, Frame type, Km., Compacted material, To the mds, Formwork, Prefabricated frame, Concrete, Nasca, Puquio, Prefabricated frame, Hollow formwork, To the mds, Compacted material, Of the head, Compacted material, To the mds, natural terrain, Prefabricated frame, Hollow formwork, Compacted material, To the mds, Glue expoxic, note:, The inclined lengths of the stones were adjusted the topographical conditions of the terrain, Compacted material, To the mds, plant, scale:, profile, scale:, cut, scale:, cut, scale:, scale:, Wing head, Details

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Language Spanish
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Materials Concrete
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