Plano Urban Castilla Piura DWG Plan for AutoCAD




Urban plan of the city of Piura and Castilla 2006 ready for Allotment

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

provincial mayor, commission of urban development, ing. walter perez garcia, ing. german gallardo cevallos, ing. rafael norvil mera, Mrs. maria rossmorey de joo, urban planning direction, arq. adolphe garay castillo, project manager, sociologist, arq. fifth fifth ch., Luis Balmaceda, technical support, ing. juan curo q., purest, ing. francisco hilbck eguiguren, arq. jorge gonzales bustamante, technical team of the division, of the master plan cadastre, cartoonist, daniel arellano mena, wisdom, development, in gis format, tel., continue flat, a.h the olive trees, a man seoane, a.h villa garden, a.h. the carnations, urb. the gardens, recreation, other uses, recreation, education, River, Street, drain sechura, recreation area, area, highway panamericana av. gullman, av. gullman, Street, ground for, area, passage the precursors, c. and. i., drain number, area, green area, Street, chapel, Street, passage, recreation, area, passage, recreation, area, ancient way the legua, Street, white sand faucet, Street, recreation area, area, ancient way the legua, drain sechura, Street, area, recreation area, area, Street, avenue carved, bridge, chapel, Street, passage, chapel, area, terra e.e., playground area, area, Street, area for secondary school, Street, green area, area for other purposes, area for other purposes, area, area, recreation area, av. gullman, san juan bosco avenue, area for e.g., area, area to clean, area, avenue alameda peru, san juan bosco avenue, recreation area, area, avenue cochrane, area, avenue alameda peru, avenue sullana, san juan bosco avenue, area, Street, recreation area, Street, av. gullman, Street, communal place, prop. carrasco family, colors, farm of, coscomba well, green area, avenue alameda peru, Street, passage, street andres a. caceres, draull sullana, Street, passage, avenue sullana, Street, piura, pumping booth, the Clover, urb., projections, municipal camal, the league, cataclysm, paita, sullan, chulucanas, agricultural use, Chiclayo, industrial, zone, chulucanas, cemetery, metropolitan, av. ignacio merino, EC., peace, school, nstra. Mrs., Turkey, Portugal, Mexico, Haiti, Hawaii, Rome, Morocco, kenedy, carob trees, urb., avitole, herm. carcamo, the mercedes, beautiful horizon, av. j. carlos mariategui, av. San Martin de Porres, December the first, av. j. g. condorcano, j. marticorena, Union, villar, ferre, huascar, corvette, Street, ricardo palma, Diego, meliton, carbajal, s. of the branches, amaru, lopez albujar, john, chirichigno, sicchez, huarmaca, water well, Bernabe, castro, av., Enrique, pacaipampa, sapillica, cold, sondor, av. trademark, sondor, alcedo, av. France, Fortunato, display, Israel, Belgium, India, Morocco, passage, military route, pekin, Czechoslovakia, savior, Greece, Scotland, Brazil, Venezuela, Street, ugarte, jose carlos mariategui, Italy, the Americas, Spain, saint, Francisco, sondorillo, lancones, av. Saint Rose, sapillica, huntsman, ayabaca, sto. Sunday, new town, huancabamba, sullan, Miguel Czech, Panama, morropon, talara, canchaque, jr. salitral, sto. Sunday, av bypass, Christ cares for us, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, China, Alaska, single port, glen, alvarado, Miguel Grade, c.e.s., paraguay, faique, beautiful view, Matthew, cure mori, Castile, cure mori, salitral, pacaipampa, sapillica, new town, jr. tamarind

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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    September 15, 2017

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