Rehabilitation Foot Ball Court DWG Block for AutoCAD


Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

level of sidewalk, bn, ramp, corner ramp, start ramp, planter, bench, corner, stream, sidewalk, building, crown masonry wall, flush floor walker, level, free fall, longitudinal central axis, goal, post of, foot of slope, projection lines of game, access area, sports unit, framework based on, grid of, natural terrain, firmly consolidated, improved material, channel based on, modules of, crown level, channel , background level, laundry, issuer, basketball court, level bench, reference level bn, channel crown level, channel bottom level, point height with respect to bn, level symbol, priv. calicanto, priv. the, gardenias, salty river, orchids, jasmine, transformers, porfirio diaz, piru, willows, cypress, priv. jasmine, priv. josefa o. of Dominguez, Morelos, Hidalgo, Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez, Urban, Priv., Emiliano Zapata, a r r o y o, Benito Juarez, c. of the student, priv. from, eucalyptus, benito, guillermo prieto, priv. canterilla, car, denas, priv. josefa o., margarita maza, union, r u r a l, g u e r r e r, warrior, margaritas, or c a m p o, m e l c o r, francisco i. wood, priv. mount alban, priv. div., east, division, mount, alban, av. field, shooting, filters, v i s u a l, priv. division, priv. hidalgo, francisco villa, aldama, m i n a, l i b r e s, independence, zaragoza, union y progreso, chapultepec, j.p. garcia, diaz ordaz, september, peralvillo, united towns, the pines, sor juana, lazaro, cardenas, venustiano carranza, francisco villa, luis, echeverria, alvarez, av. san antonio, benito juarez, union, emiliano, zapata, progress, union and, ortiz de dominguez, margarita, priv. union, priv. freedom, freedom, pines, municipality, oaxaca de juarez, prol., santa cruz xoxocotlan, river salado zapotalengo, visible drinking water pipe, water tank, water purification, top of the hill, monte alban, water tank, santa cecilia , priv. the, loneliness, neighborhood road, electric line, tank, poppies, av. children heroes, gpe., victory, prolong. venustiano, carranza, jacarandas, eternal life, bugambilias, of dominguez, venustiano, salty river, allende, just, priv. rufino, tamayo, camino real, pines, pump, water, priv. gardenias, san antonio, cda. from av., february, boulevard, and. the, roses, mojonera, street of the garden, av., laurels, and progress, of the pantheon, out of use, to the pantheon, walker, san, antonio, maza, san agustin de las juntas, juarez, josefa, del, pantheon, from allende, jardin, calz. from, josefa ortiz, from conalep, av. conalep, student, may, ecatepec, hill, the snake, eucalyptus, deposit, water, eucalyptus, cough, eucalyptus, mariano, adze, march, the powder, the nopal, magnolia, ignacio allende, belisario, dominguez , cda. of emiliano, prolongation, av. of the pantheon, well of, priv. francisco, villa, priv. zaragoza, private zaragoza, arroyo, ocampo, melchor, prol. of warrior, April, paradise, manoibo, ceiba, prolon. from chapultepec, priv. symbols, calicanto, priv. emiliano, jazminez, huamuche, av. patriotic symbols, street morelos, prolon., priv. benito, solidarity, priv. of the student, patrios, priv. luis echeverria, priv. transformer, priv. san antonio, priv. from, priv. of eternal life, priv. diaz, ordaz, diagonal, of poppies, priv. venustiano, sierra, topographic profile, existing natural terrain, project slope, auxiliary projection bank of level, on transversal central axis, scale:, projected, date:, work:, location:, in meters, boundary:, on the part of the municipality, municipal president, macro-location sketch, micro-location sketch, symbolism, channel detail, annotations, rehabilitation of football field and construction of storm drains, in the sports unit., and drew :, san antonio de la cal, no plano , topographical, plant and profile, sports ruler

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Masonry, Wood, Other
Measurement Units Imperial
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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