Reinforced Concrete Bridge DWG Full Project for AutoCAD




Complete project – T joist

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

reserve, general board, pt, sifted earth mixed with sanickgeld or magnesium sulfate, earthing system, with handle., symbol, description, height npt, watt-hour counter, distribution board, ceiling exit device – light center, device wall outlet – bracket, ceiling recessed device – spot light, pass box or wall junction, single or single-pole switch, bipolar switch, buzzer, bell transformer, push button, teleformer output external, ground hole, -.-, legend electrical installation, number of conductors, encoder for the earthing system, boxes with blind cover measures indicated in the plan, material, technical specifications, owner :, project :, location :, drawing :, scale :, date :, plane :, sheet number :, mr. john pedro bocanegra pichi, m. flores b, region: ancash province: huaraz district: independencia address: jr. hualcan, indicated, trade-housing, foundations zapatas and details, type, first floor, level, second floor, third floor, fourth floor, roof, striobos, table of columns, mrs. rosales flores, region: ancash province: huaraz district: huaraz address: psj. Asuncion, two-family dwelling, beams-lightened and details, variable, beam, nfp, typical court of footings and distribution of stirrups, detail of footings, npt, detail of foundations, foundation :, sobrecimiento :, aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, gg, sidewalk, typical lightened detail, v-ch, detail of beams, beam reinforcement, diaphragm, beam formwork, slab formwork, bridge slab reinforcement, main beam, lower layer, top layer, armor bridge path, cad :, region: ancash province: huaraz district: jangas place: mullaca, armor bridge slab and sidewalks, length by piece, part number, cant., shape, metrado of armor in slab, metrado of reinforcement in longitudinal beam, elements, slabs, beams, joints, overlapping joints, reinforcement-formwork of beams and details, see detail, beam armor cutting dd, sidewalk slab, detail of elevation columns and railings, section aa, detail of Plant columns and ba Randas, abutment, slab, weld between plate and angle, slab of board, see detail of expansion joint, expansion joint, welding between plate and anculo, dilatation detail detail, region: ancash province: huaraz district: jangas place: mullaca , detail of fixed support and mobile support, const. trolley bridge – italy, neopremo layer, support axis, support detail, right abutment, support detail fixed left abutment, neoprene layer, plant, aa cut, neoprene support detail, bridge slab, elevation cut aa, topographic plant and profile, santa river, bridge axis, a mullaca, a huanja, fill with selected material, topographical, topographic plane, pt, pc, nm, curve elements, pi, lc, ext., armor slab section aa, note : the limited dimensions are in centimeters, steel spacing arrangement in main beam, cross section cut aa, plant and cut, cc cut, diaphragm reinforcement, long. per piece, armored gear in difframe, floor – abutment, front elevation footboard, lateral elevation, stirrups, technical specifications for stirrups, district municipality of jangas, detail of rails and expansion joints, sidewalk, railings elevation typical section, see detail of rails, elevations, bolognesi, huarmey, ocros, asuncion, recuay, aija, carhuaz, huaraz, huari, yungay, carlos fermin fidcarrald, antonio raymondi, marshal luzuriaga, huaylas, pomabamba, corongo, sihuas, casma, santa, pallasca, cochabamba , pariacoto, pampas, freedom, colcabamba, huanchay, pira, tarica, independence, olleros, jangas, location, department of ancash, province of huaraz, mullaca, huanja, huantallon, matara, atupa, chontayoc, antahuran, san juan de pisco , jangas district

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Plastic, Steel, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
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