Retaining Wall DWG Full Project for AutoCAD




Project construction of stone masonry walls.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

bzt, location map, signage:, retaining walls passages the hills, magnolias and lilies, legend, haul route, collection area, projected wall, location:, section i, section ii, section iii, location of the walls of containment, section i:, section ii: section iii: sports, pottery, ministry of education, risk area, park, communal, local, pqni, cea, pqma, igle, pqca, pqb, pqc, pqd, pqla, colegio raul porras, barrenechea, educational center, plaza de armas, market, ciro alegria park, library, parish, education, green area, serpar, sports, field, renovation, urban, valentin paniagua c., park a, health service, local communal, sports area, public recreation, cemetery raul porras, urban renewal, water, cistern, psje. montesquiao, psje. the liberators, psje. new hope, psje. jose del carmen, psje. nicolas de pierola, carabayllo, jr piura, psje. the angel, jr. jose olaya, jr. jose olaya, jr. tupac amaru, prolongation, jr. Miguel Grau, Jr. francisco bolognesi, jr. alfonso ugarte, jr. meadow, jr. Lima, jr. august b. leguia, prolongation jr. alfonso ugarte, jr. nicolas de pierola, jr. Miguel Grau, Jr. Maria stopped by bellido, jr. andres a. caceres, jr. ramon castilla, jr. jorge chavez, jr. saenz peña, jr. Arequipa, Olaya, ca. jose, psje. the pines, cypresses, psje. the, acacias, psje. the, cucardas, the willows, psje., the oaks, psje. cross sanctuary, jr. alfonso ugarte, jr. saenz peña, variant of, jr. cross of motupe, the, camellias, psje. belen, the cucardas, psje. the acacias, prolongation jr. jose brown, jr. san martin de porras, jr. jose brown, psje. jose brown, psje. the magnolias, jr. jose galvez, prolongation jr. ica, prolongation jr. francisco bolognesi, jr. ica, chestnuts, sunflowers, prolongation psje. Quinones, psje. quiñones, prolongation psje. alfonso ugarte, prolongation psje. tupac amaru, prolongation psje. bolognesi, jr. jorge chavez, passage b, passage to, psje. the laurels, psje. morro de arica, psje. the willows, the orchids, psje. the orchids, psje. of the miracle, miracles, jasmine, holy rose, cedars, psje. san carlos, psje. Mr. from, psje. Hope, psje. san ignacio, psje. san cristobal, psje. san roman, psje. santa ana, psje. piura, walnuts, cherries, jr. cuzco, psje. carnations, psje. san martin de porres, jr. the proceres, ca. buenos aires, psje. the alders, psje. the walnuts, psje. san martin de porras, psje. Mr. of miracles, psje. santa rosa, psje. cross of motupe, psje. saenz peña, prolongation jr. rosa de america, road, jr. Lima, jr. buenos aires, jr. amazonas, jr. puno, psje. piura, jr. moquegua, jr. Arequipa, extension ca. ancon, psje. sunflowers, psje. the eucalyptus, jr. agusto b. leguia, jr. the liberators, jr. meadow, jr. cuzco, see, prolongation jr. cesar vallejo, prolongation jr. piura, psje. the broken, jr. pershing, psje. white river, psje. good view, road variant carabayllo, jr. jose carlos mariategui, street f, prolongation jr. Lima, jr. the angel, street a, jr. rose of america, jr. andres a. caceres, prolongation jr. august b. leguia, psje. jorge chavez, jr. the hills, psje. the lilacs, psje. the daisies, psje. the ferns, psje. the violets, carnations, petunias, psje. the jasmine, jr. the slopes, psje. the rocks, psje. a, psje. the hills, jr. emilio althaus, jr. sandy, jr. petit thouars, jr. francisco bolognesi, rose bushes, orange trees, tunas, psje. the blackberries, daisies, psje. the carnations, psje. the lilies, psje. the geraniums, the lilies, psje. the maracuyas, psje. the coconuts, psje. the strawberries, passage the strawberries, passage the tulips, passage the, pje. the amautas, prol. atahualpa, passage the roses, psje. spring, jr. atahualpa, jr. peru, jr. tarma, street a, street b, psje. the gardenias, psje. los angeles, psje. the gardens, psje. the chasms, psje. the geraniums, the slopes, psje. las vegas, psje. beautiful horizon, c a l l e f, street f, passage c, passage d, prolong. psje. chestnuts, psje. langui, psje. Tall villa, ca. the sunflowers, psje. the roses, jr. san martin de porras, a.h. raul porras barrenechea, a.h. the flower stage ii, zonal park manco capac, aa. H H. the viewpoint ii stage, aa. H H. the viewpoint, av. tupac amaru, av. merino reyna, prol. av. merino reyna, passage the hills, passage the magnolias, passage the lilies, pje. the hills, type i, type ii, type iii, type iv, type v, type vi, pje. the magnolias, pje. the lilies, cota foundations, cota crown, cota terrain, distance acum. wall, partial distance wall, bottom of foundation of the wall, ground, level of crown, longitudinal profile, grade, top of wall, slope, section b – b, property limit, quarry, section d – d, section e – e , eucalyptus wood, self-pierced and lined, criss-crossed, pilasters, note:, finish: enamel-based paint, level of level, railing detail, solvent, standard thinner., solvent thiner standar, c

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Masonry, Wood, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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