Road Diagram Of Ancash Zone DWG Block for AutoCAD
Road diagram – Ancash region
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
magnetic, architecture plants, r. regalago g., r. g., c.e., date, scale, drawing, design, sheet, flat, draft, ancash, Location, district municipality of san marcos, Department, province, district, place, huari, san marco, place, c. F. fitzcarrald, I love you, ocros, bolognesi, recuay, I love you, huari, huaraz, a.raimondi, pomabamba, assumption, carhuaz, mcal. luzuriaga, huaylas, yungay, sihuas, stick, pallasca, santa, chimbote, lime, chiquian, ocros, cajatambo, I love you, casma, I love you, recuay, san marco, casma, caraz, yungay, carhuaz, saint Louis, guys, huari, callin, stick, sihuas, pomabamba, piscobamba, cabin, freedom, huanuco, huaraz, place, san marco, huari, place, district, province, Department, district municipality of san marcos, Location, ancash, draft, flat, sheet, design, drawing, scale, date, c.e., r. g., r. regalago g., architecture plants, huari, legend, affirmed, provincial capital, district capital, town, bridge, tunnel, departmental bound, district boundary, kahuish tunnel, tambourines, machac, roll, with, chavin de huantar, chuyo, you hurt, saint Louis, hda. broken, san marco, carhuayoc, lago antamina, antamine mines, ayash, huancayoc, shaguanga lagoon, collachico, lullaby, huanquin, hda. mashra, quirk, campan, huari, cajay, point, more in, san pedro de chana, huachis, to humiliate, I want to, sticks, stage, big arhuay, with, lagoon with, huaytuna, suck, matec, quillo, vichon, cashapata, tambillo, yurayaco, olayan, carhuascanchapatac, tuctopampa, succha, hda. guesalia, anyanga, tights, yak, cross pomachaca, bridge pomachaca, chinchas, purhuaypampa, acopalca, colcas, huamantanga, huamparan, huaycho pampa mines, paucas, one, anra, huacchis, raphael, huacachi, illahuasi, tacta, San Juan, your hand, higin, future, they bark, vioc, yunguilla, cascay, count, piuroc, tactabamba, marne, vilcabamba, viscous, yanas, marne bridge, bridge chaschan, chuhuayta, chavin de huantar, chuyo, you hurt, millhuish, san marco, carhuayoc, ranches, EC., pichiu, project area, machac, roll, with, chavin de huantar, chuyo, you hurt, saint Louis, hda. broken, carhuayoc, pichiu, san marco, crusher, pichiu, san marco, huari, ancash, sanitary station, general location, rio pativilca, fortress river, attacker, mollebambita, uchupampa, Saint Sebastian, hda. call to, great mountain, my love, hda. mayas, River mouth, high quinga, quinga, tucus, ushcurumi, calyx, pasacancha, Micunan knife, andaymayo, tingo always alive, tapiacai huayta, call center, Santa Cruz Cross, llanganuco, ypanpanuco, hda. huarca, ancayoc, garay, huayapon, mita, tingua, fdo. pampacancha, huarancayoc, acopampa, carhuaz, cashew box, huinac mines, huacllan, for C, huayan, coray, cochapeti, broken yupanca, yupash, hda. huangra, Oh okay, tupuc, huaspoc, San Isidro, San Miguel, pacan, sacsa, to stop, huaylas, huaraz, I love you, Cajapampa, Santa Ana ravine, quiroz station, quiroz bridge, Chuquicara station, clover, algarrobal, Huancamuna, sechin high, carrizales bridge, big puquio, patasca, punta boqueron, cape cross, tip the clock, marin point, tuquillo, black hill point, bad point costs, lizard head tip, punta santo, puerto huarmey, freedom, San Francisco, villa maria baja, Buenos Aires, chimbote airport, puerto samanco, September update, tread surface, conventional signs
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | City Plans |
Additional Screenshots |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Car Parking Lot |
Tags | ancash, autocad, beabsicht, block, borough level, diagram, DWG, political map, politische landkarte, proposed urban, region, Road, road design, stadtplanung, straßenplanung, urban design, urban plan, zone, zoning |