Steel Fabrication Factory DWG Block for AutoCAD
Steel factory in the area of ??northern Greece. The first drawing shows the distribution of sectors depending on the type of manufacture and the drawing below shows the layout of equipment.
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Icelandic):
åëáöñåó êáôáóêåõåó, ðñïiïíôùí, áðïèçêç åôïéìùí, óéäçñïêáôáóêåõáóôçñéï, ðñïúïíôùí, áðïèçêç ðáíåëùí EAE, äõïñïöï êôéñéï, áðïèçêçó õëéêùí, paint baking oven, monada epexergasias, çë.ð, Dexamenes aeriwn, cnc, trofodoths upon receipt, Unloader, max, length, LVD, vipros apogrezwths trocoi mikrh pressa megalh pressa troxistico cmm inox exaeriwth åêðëõóç ced cwros test spray salt apoblhtwn apionisths bohqhtikos cwros kulikeio bohqeiwn cwros prwtwn eisodos pinakes grafeio yukes ups ups proistamenos uphresiwn dioikhtikwn oikonomikwn pressa ergodhgeio bonding kampina bafhs teliko filtro poudras me bafeiou poudras kampina ceir upostego apoqhkh etoimwn filtropressa lasphs pacunshs dex. , emergency exit, paint curing oven, ðáãêïó çëåêôñïíêêí, stand, êñåìáóôñóó, kinhsews, anamonh, logisthrio, tameio, foriamos, aiqouswn sunarmologhshs, station A, station B, e é ê ï ç ç ñ ô é, áëêáëéêç åêðëõóç, áðïëéðáíóç, ðáèçôéêïðïéçóç, ïîåéíç åêðëõóç, öùóöáôùóç, grametal, óïäá, EAEA, áðéïíéóìåíï, éñéó, HCl, -ìáóêüñéóìá, -áðüèåóç åôïßìùí õãñþò âáöþò, metaîïôõðéá, N I I O, åìöáíéóôçñéï, öïñéáìïó, åôïéìùí, öïõñíïó, öïñåéï, öïñéáìïó Aiano., ðñïó ìåôáîïôõðéá, êïëáïõæï, ìéêñï, äñáðáíï, ìåãáëï, öñåæá, ðñéïíé, NIOO ìåãáëï, NIOO ìéêñï, Naoe, robot strantza, punching trump, neo bafeio, fracasso, eab, texniko tmhma hk
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Other |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | Industrial |
Additional Screenshots |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Steel, Other |
Measurement Units | Metric |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | |
Tags | area, autocad, block, distribution, drawing, DWG, factory, greece, industrial building, manufacturing, northern, sectors, shows, steel |