Work DWG Plan for AutoCAD

In PARG; Boulebard copennague; Netherlands – 1960 consists of architectural plans; elevations and generally planimetria

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

front elevation, rear elevation, left lateral elevation, Main income, secondary income, rear elevation, secondary income, Main income, secondary income, references corridor hºsº locker room hall room hall hall waiting room, references deposito genral hºsº dressing rooms, references corridor hºsº locker room work room meeting room administrative room hall waiting room deposit control files, Main income, secondary income, references corridor hºsº locker room hall room hall hall waiting room, proy roof openings, maersk refinery, workshop:, faadu, block elevations, scale:, Sheet No.:, flat:, Project: construction arne jacobsen, group:, flat:, year, maersk refinery, workshop:, faadu, architectural floor block, scale:, Sheet No.:, flat:, Project: construction arne jacobsen, group:, flat:, year, north:, maersk refinery, workshop:, faadu, architectural floor block, scale:, Sheet No.:, flat:, Project: construction arne jacobsen, group:, flat:, year, north:, cross-section, front elevation, rear elevation, left lateral elevation, right lateral elevation, front elevation, rear elevation, maersk refinery, workshop:, faadu, block elevations, scale:, Sheet No.:, flat:, Project: construction arne jacobsen, group:, flat:, year, maersk refinery, workshop:, faadu, block architectural plants, Project: construction arne jacobsen, group:, flat:, year, scale:, Sheet No.:, north:, maersk refinery, workshop:, faadu, block architectural plants, Project: construction arne jacobsen, group:, flat:, year, scale:, Sheet No.:, north:, maersk refinery, workshop:, faadu, block architectural plants, Project: construction arne jacobsen, group:, flat:, year, scale:, Sheet No.:, north:, maersk refinery, workshop:, faadu, block architectural plants, Project: construction arne jacobsen, group:, flat:, year, scale:, Sheet No.:, north:, maersk refinery, workshop:, faadu, general planimetry, Project: construction arne jacobsen, group:, flat:, year, scale:, Sheet No.:, north:, block, first-order avenue, railyard, parking for vehicles approx., parking for vehicles approx., parking for vehicles approx., parking for vehicles, railyard, parking for vehicles approx, parking for vehicles, parking for vehicles approx.

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio, Parking, Garden / Park
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