Substation 34;5/13;8kvwith Re-Connectors DWG Block for AutoCAD
Sub-station 34;5/13;8kv.with re-connectors in 34;5/ and 13;8 kv – View in plant and profile – One filar diagram and symbolism used
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
power transformer, Kv recloser, Kv reclosers, Line disconnector, With ground kv, Line disconnector, With ground kv, Disconnector, Without ground kv, Bar kv cable acsr kcmil, Power transformer, Kv circuit breakers, auxiliary services, Grounding blade, Kv mcm, Kv input, Claw, Cts, Recloser, Kv recloser, Kva, Onan, power transformer, Cts, Recloser, Kv recloser, Line disconnector, Bar disconnector, Bar disconnector, Cts, Recloser, Kv recloser, Grounding blade, Line disconnector, Bar disconnector, Cts, Recloser, Kv recloser, Exit no., fuse, circuit breaker, Kva, auxiliary services, Conventions, Dps, Voltage transformer, Current transformer, power transformer, Recloser, Three-pole disconnector with blade, Grounding, Tripolar disconnector without blade, Grounding, circuit breaker, Voltage signal, Control signal, mechanical interlock, current, tension, Active power, Var, reactive power, Active energy, Varh, Reactive energy, Directional overcurrent protection, Low voltage protection, Trip function and lock, Reclaim function, Switch failure function, Overcurrent protection, Instantaneous overcurrent, review:, sheet:, Revno, description, I verify, date, elaborated, Assembly diagram, Xxx, Kv recloser, Disconnector, Without ground kv, Line disconnector, With ground kv, General board of, Timed overcurrent, Overvoltage, Grounding blade, Line disconnector, observations, Dps, Mv kv substation, reviewed:, design:, Cad file, date, scale, Xxx
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | Water Sewage & Electricity Infrastructure |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | |
Tags | alta tensão, autocad, beleuchtung, block, connectors, détails électriques, detalhes elétrica, diagram, DWG, electrical details, elektrische details, haute tension, high tension, hochspannung, iluminação, kläranlage, kv, l'éclairage, la tour, lighting, plant, profile, Station, substation, symbolism, torre, tower, treatment plant, turm, View |