Comitan Medium Voltage Wiring DWG Block for AutoCAD

Medium voltage underground work for urban improvement in the city of Comitan de Domingue – Chiapas – Mexico

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

north, sidewalk, stream, Normal ground pad duct bank for low tension under stream, Underground Standards Civil Works Specifications Catalytic Accessory Tools, civil work, Normal ground pad duct bank for low tension low bench, Underground Standards Civil Works Specifications Catalytic Accessory Tools, civil work, Npf medium hawk, Heavy duty projector, Npf small halcon, Heavy duty projector, front view, rule, stream, Dimensions in mm, Notes: filling material compacted filling compacted material high density polyethylene duct blkex mm high density polyethylene duct blkex mm compacted floor warning tape mm registration use type when using TV ducts this dimension the total depth of the bank Ducts should be increased in mm, p. from, Terrain with freatico level very high rocky pad duct bank for medium tension under stream, Underground Standards Civil Works Specifications Catalytic Accessory Tools, civil work, north., North east, Kva, bingo, hotel, Kva, North east, North west avenue, Kva, exist, presidency, municipal, There is m.t. Acsr, There is b.t. Acsr, There is m.t. Acsr, Cv .: kv, There is m.t. Acsr, Cv .: kv, Xlp, There is m.t. Acsr, Cv .: kv, Restorer installed, N.c. To link circuits, Kva, Phases, Kva, Phases, Underground medium voltage network, Symbology, Existing concrete pole, Low voltage existing bare cable, Media tension air project, Post project, Medium voltage existing air, Low voltage service, M.t. record, M.t. record kind, Single anchor retainer, Double anchor retainer, Kv restorer, Single circuit breaker, With pedestal type transformer, Existing air transformer, transition, Av benito juarez, Central Park, Kva, Kva, Kva, North east avenue, Kva, There is m.t., Acsr, North east avenue, There is b.t. Acsr, Moral passage, North east, Av benito juarez, North east, bingo, hotel, North east, North west avenue, municipal, Quadruplex cable, To xlp, Quadruplex cable, To xlp, Quadruplex cable, To xlp, Symbology, Existing concrete pole, Low voltage existing bare cable, Media tension air project, Post project, Medium voltage existing air, Underground low voltage network, Low voltage service, Single anchor retainer, Double anchor retainer, Kv restorer, Single circuit breaker, B.t. registry kind, Existing air transformer, North east, Central Park, Kva, North east avenue, Xlp, North east, Av benito juarez, North east, There is m.t., Acsr, Kva, bingo, hotel, Kva, North east, North west avenue, Kva, exist, presidency, municipal, There is m.t. Acsr, There is b.t. Acsr, There is b.t. Copper nº, There is b.t. Acsr, Kva, There is m.t. Acsr, Cv: kv, Cv .: kv, There is m.t. Acsr, Cv .: kv, Symbology, Existing concrete pole, Low voltage existing bare cable, Media tension air project, Post project, Medium voltage existing air, Underground project, Low voltage service, Single anchor retainer, Double anchor retainer, Kv restorer, Single circuit breaker, B.t. registry kind, Existing air transformer, North east, Central Park, Kva, Kva, Kva, North east avenue, Kva, North east avenue, There is b.t. Acsr, Moral passage, Xlp, Kva, Phases, Kva, Phases, Kva, Phases, North east, Av benito juarez, North east, There is m.t., Acsr, Kva, Kva, North east, North west avenue, Kva, exist, presidency, municipal, There is m.t. Acsr, There is b.t. Acsr, There is b.t. Copper nº, There is b.t. Acsr, Kva, There is m.t. Acsr, Cv: kv, Cv .: kv, There is m.t. Acsr, Cv .: kv, To the center of each side., Rondana de, galvanized, Lid detail lid, Plant cover, cut, Reinforcement e.m., Fy kpa, Welded to frame, cut, Anchors of cm., Per cm. Long soldiers, Against frame at every corner, Floor level, Exterior, E.m at street intersection, Cm., diameter., Cm. from, Diameter on the wall, Plant registry, Faith guide Cm., diameter., Round iron handle, Cm., Exterior, Floor level, Angle steel, Cm., galvanized., Cap detail: cut, unscaled, use:, Housing cables low voltage connections in networks, Underground distribution system to provide, Up to rush, Applications, Applies to all types of soil except, note, Very soft soils qa kpa, Expansive floors, Submerged soils, In these cases it is recommended to determine, The characteristics of the soil, Do the review, Structural, reinforcing steel, Frame, unscaled, Plant registry, Diameter on the wall, Cm. from, cut, diameter., Cm., unscaled, reinforcing steel, E.m at street intersection, Diameter on the wall, Cm. from, Against frame at every corner, Per cm. Long soldiers, Ancl

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Steel
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features A/C, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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