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Designing A Vehicle Dealer DWG Section for AutoCAD

geometric design of a vehicle dealer for the intersection of Albina Avenue and Calle Patino Motecato in Bolivia.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

yam, xfg, xeg, xfgt, xegt, xgrid, xgridt, yam, pbase, pvgrid, pegct, pfgct, pegc, pegl, peg, pfgc, pgrid, pgridt, right, peglt, peg, pdgl, pdgr, stop, independence, peace, suticollo, bridge khora, bridge khora, prohibited, lane, the change, suticollo, quillacollo, morochata, vinto, suticollo, sanitation, stop, axis, xfg, xeg, xgrid, xgridt, vinto, rio khora, square, axis, xfg, xeg, xgrid, xgridt, axis, xfg, xeg, xgrid, xgridt, axis, xfg, xeg, xgrid, xgridt, axis, xfg, xeg, xgrid, xgridt, axis, pegct, pvgrid, pegct, pfgct, pegc, pegl, peg, pfgc, pgrid, pgridt, left, peglt, peg, pdgl, pdgr, final axle, pegct, pvgrid, pegct, pfgct, pegc, pegl, peg, pfgc, pgrid, pgridt, left, peglt, peg, pdgl, pdgr, quillacollo, suticollo, square, suticollo, quillacollo, morochata, suticollo, independence, vinto, independence, peace, vinto, bridge khora, footbridge, rio khora, vertical horizontal signage design, stop, preventive, restrictive, preseñalization, confirmation, location, ID, vinto, quillacollo, warning signs, progressive, signal, side, description, maximum height, roundabout, sharp turn right, der, roundabout, der, maximum height, restrictive signals, prohibited, lane, the change, maximum, speed, maximum, speed, progressive, signal, side, description, der, banned lane change, banned lane change, der, maximum speed, maximum speed, der, maximum speed, identification information, progressive, signal, side, description, informative preseñalizacion, progressive, signal, side, description, der, suticollo, quillacollo, morochata, vinto, suticollo, sanitation, der, independence, iz side sud, suticollo quillacollo morochata, north, vinto suticollo santivañez, independence, maximum, speed, maximum, speed, maximum, speed, sheet, draft:, flat, date, scale, student:, teacher:, Louise. fernández benavides, signage design, September, geometric of a vehicular distributor for the intersection of av. albino patiño the street, ing. javier prudencio, tutor, ing. elmer camacho flowers, of the kora ii distributor, elevation view of the signs, geometric layout of the distributor, plant view, rio khora, independence, peace, vinto, footbridge, maximum, speed, sheet, draft:, flat, date, scale, student:, teacher:, Louise. fernández benavides, September, geometric of a vehicular distributor for the intersection of av. albino patiño the street, ing. javier prudencio, tutor, ing. elmer camacho flowers, sheet, draft:, flat, date, scale, student:, teacher:, Louise. fernández benavides, preliminary, indicated, September, geometric of a vehicular distributor for the intersection of av. albino patiño the street, ing. javier prudencio, tutor, ing. elmer camacho flowers, kora ii topography of the, transverse drainage, of the kora ii distributor, m., this elev, this, elev, this, elev, high pt this: high pt elev: pvi pvi, bvcs: bvce:, evcs: evce:, this elev, high pt this: high pt elev: pvi esta: pvi elev: k: lvc:, bvcs: bvce:, evcs: evce:, this elev, high pt this: high pt

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Section
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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CAD Drawings

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