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Distribution Networks DWG Block for AutoCAD

Drawing Secondary Distribution Networks.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Public enterprise irrigation drainage south, Villages, sheet, approval:, Ing. Vicente torres b., General manager ridrensur, Approved, Ing. Marlon Cueva Peña, Manager planning ridrensur, Technician ridrensur, revised:, Mr. Vicente herrera c., surveyor, lifting:, Topographic survey for the thesalia irrigation system, Indicated, scale:, December, date:, Canton store, Provincia: loja, Parroq: chuquiribamba, drawing:, Driving line profile, Contains:, Blessed, Juan salinas buri, he has., Cayetano pint, he has., Heirs of n. Sinche, he has., Juan salinas, he has., N. Vasquez, he has., Vasquez, he has., Heirs vasquez, he has., Heirs sinche, he has., Hermeregilio sinche, he has., Heirs sinche, he has., he has., he has., Heirs florinda sinche, he has., Gabriel guachizaca, he has., he has., Jose abel caraguay, he has., Jose abel caraguay, he has., Second day, he has., Second day, he has., he has., Toribio palaces, he has., Jose abel carabuay, he has., According to caraguay, he has., Ricardo caraguay, he has., Victor pint, he has., Second medina, he has., Ricardo caraguay, he has., Second medina, he has., Leonidas orgoño, he has., Luis diaz, he has., Ricardo caraguay, he has., Juan maria orozco, he has., Heirs of benedict ogoño, he has., Heirs of isaias sinche, he has., Second medina, he has., Juan Cuenca, he has., Glory buri, he has., Ricardo caraguay, he has., Heirs of sebastian sinche, he has., Maximum caraguay, he has., Luis diaz, he has., Heirs of baudilio pint, he has., Delfin lamb ogoño, he has., he has., Ricardo caraguay, he has., Heirs of victor palaces, he has., he has., Manuel satama, he has., Jose apolo sinche, he has., he has., Felix sinche, he has., Felix sinche, he has., Esterfilia sinche, he has., Elias pizarro, he has., Delfin buri, he has., Pink elvira buri, he has., Felix sinche, he has., Dolphin condoy, he has., Maria laura buri, he has., Kind angel guaya, he has., he has., Angel polibio buri, he has., Delfin buri, he has., Manuel Pinta, he has., Angel guillermo buri, he has., Gabriel guachisaca, he has., Benjamin caraguay, he has., Second benito basin, he has., Benign buri, he has., Benign buri, he has., Victor buri, he has., Luis buri loarte, he has., Luis diaz, he has., Delfin lamb ogoño, he has., Juana rivet, he has., Valentin ogoño, he has., Manuel abel buri, he has., Abelardo caraguay, he has., Pink matilde pint, he has., Abelardo caraguay, he has., Heirs of Juan Buri, Isabel medina, he has., Heirs of isabel sinche, he has., he has., Hros. Juan de la cruz buri, he has., Luis enrique buri, he has., Juan Buri, he has., Honorio guarac, he has., Derfilio buri, he has., Manuel antonio buri, he has., Victor alberto buri, he has., Polybory buri, he has., Valentin ogoño, he has., According to caraguay, he has., Benign buri, he has., Benito basin, he has., Isaias basin, he has., Polibio uri, he has., Luis buri loarte, he has., Benito basin, he has., Luis buri, he has., Felix sinche, he has., Derby condoy, he has., Hros. Eliseo buri, he has., catchment, Scales, Project data, cuts, Dynamic pressure, Piezometric dimension, Ground level, abscissa, Trp, Pvc, from:, Li, Driving not. 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Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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