District Map Window Base – Lima – Peru DWG Block for AutoCAD
Window Plano District (Lima – Peru); with Allotment; Name Streets; Avenues and Main Developments in the area. Includes a layer of topography and the district boundary window .
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
psje, Street, caceres, av. avelino, Street, Street, the geraniums, the ficus, the eucalyptus, the dahlias, Cactus, begonias, hawks, put them, I put ostriches, swans, put them, pelicans, put them, I put the sparrows, I put the huanais, I put the pigeons, Street, Beach, city antonia moreno de caceres, third sector, second sector, first sector, street wilson leon peace, jose mendoza street, Street, olives, av., the, gino, cease, gonzales, Calderon, psje, pain, suson, ganoza, av. frames, Street, psje, mall, psje, av., psje, Street, psje, Street, psje, Street, psje, Street, Taurus, aquarius, lira, mirach, rigel, vega, scorpion, Orion, poles, mirach, scorpion, columba, av. Jupiter, Neptune, antares, Andromeda, bellatrin, Aries, veracruz, battlement, canorus, Pisces, golden, huascar, av.monitor, av. Miguel Grade, av. tte clavero, av. Venus, psje, swan, denebola, Sirius, Hercules, centaur, carina, polar, regulus, prolong. av. mercury, tte. claver, naval high school, mall, psje, Street, psje, avenue, psje, av., psje, Street, psje, avenue, psje, Street, av., psje, Street, psje, Street, psje, Street, psje, Street, psje, Street, Street, loreto, Street, central, Street, arequipa, Street, central, av., street arequipa, swine park, Street, swine park, Street, Street, Street, Street, water tank, street moquegua, huanuco street, street, street arequipa, Street, av. central, chillon river, tap, puno street, ayacucho street, acobamba street, street cajamarca, amazonas street, huancavelica street, swine park, food agriculture, ministry, pje, pje, av. indoamerica, law, sixth sector, av. central, street moquegua, left, sixth sector, av. principal, swine park, pork paruq, amazonas street, reservoir, Street, avenue, psje, corpac, pje, chillon river, prolog. av. mercury, Street, reserved area, av. of August, pje, alameda ramiro priale, to. h. victor r. tower beech, Street, high window, I park, swine park, a.h. high window, tacna street, swine park area, road window, Alejandro from the manor, up turkey, jose olaya, eten, rep. dem german, concord, centenary, sarita colony, I love you, jr. indoamerica, mercy, our mrs. of the, family home, Street, avenue, Street, avenue, Street, passage, san juan bosco, busway, beautiful beach, angeles, association, San Martin, av. copacabana, horseshoe, san antonio, foundry plant, Wall, motorway bridge stone bridge, av. I like, garagay alameda, av. tacna, av. huanuco, av. iquitos, av. poplars, window, av. fist, av. cajamarca, av. you lie, av. trujillo, my turkey, grouping, av. arequipa, avenue cuzco, Street, Street, av., Street, pje, Street, Saint Rose, housing association, baquijano carrillo, F. sanchez carrion, moon slate, Street, Mariano Melgar, riva aguero, r. from mendoza, hipolito hunanue, market, the begonias, the geraniums, the ficus, the dahlias, Street, the geraniums, lilacs, kenko, jasmine, the geraniums, the ficus, the eucalyptus, Street, the dahlias, Street, The Cactus, the dahlias, Street, Cactus, Street, the begonias, h. of the tower, recreational park, alonso de molina, martin paz, mantaro, passage, pablo boner, Luis Banchero Rossi, Nicolaus Copernicus, micaela bastidas, av. revolution, pampilla, capirona, pavayacu, trumpeters, malecon mariscal andres avelino caceres, pje the condors, pje the pheasants, pje the ruisenores, Street, fourth
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | City Plans |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park |
Tags | allotment, autocad, avenues, base, beabsicht, block, borough level, developments, district, DWG, lima, lime, main, map, PERU, plano, political map, politische landkarte, proposed urban, road design, stadtplanung, straßenplanung, streets, urban design, urban plan, window, zoning |