Drying Bedding DWG Section for AutoCAD




Bed drying plant wastewater treatment – plants – sections – Construction Details

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Dptmto., drawing, province, district, place, scale, Indicated, date, March, Bed of cuts, responsable:, owner, draft, flat, Location, basic sanitation, Projects, sheet, specialty, Dried bed plant, scale, to the river, Spatter, Reduc.pvc, beam, Wall cm, to the river, see detail, entry, beam, Channel, belt, Pvc tube, Wall, Clay layer, Heavy gravel, Fine gravel, sand, mud, beam, Concrete data, Clay layer, Pvc tube, Clay layer, Heavy gravel, Fine gravel, sand, mud, beam, Concrete data, Clay layer, beam, Galvanized calamine, See detail splicing, Sole, Wall, Terrain profile, Excavation line, Spatter, cut, scale, Provincial municipality of, place, Dist., Prov., Dpto., Project manager:, draft:, Construction system water sewerage, Huanuco, Chunapampa, sheet, flat:, its T. Of soils geology, scale:, Indicated, date:, may, Location:, Ing. Julio martinez quispe, Huanuco, Chunapampa colpa baja huanuco, Plant cuts steel septic tank, Digitization:, Maguiña, Wood brushed screw, Galvanized calamine #, In the mesh to the center, In shoes cm, Sole, Degree fy, Outdoor mortar, Indoor waterproofing, coverage, Plasters, Coatings, Simple concrete, reinforcing steel, Sph. Port. ground, Beams columns fc, Technical specifications, Reinforced concrete, In fc walls, Beams cm, Zapata fc, Fc spatter, Reception box Fc channel, Coatings, In walls cm, In solid slabs cm, Indoors with waterproofing, In exterior with simple mortar, In bottom slab cm, Plasters, Technical specifications, Sph. Bearing ground, reinforcing steel, Simple concrete, Reinforced concrete, Degree fy, Sole, On the bottom slab, In walls, On other plates, Technical specifications, Pasco, Dptmto., mayor, Raymundo justiniano freddy ever, drawing, Daniela. Carrion, Chacayan, monkey, province, district, place, scale, Indicated, date, March, E.t.a., Plant cuts reservoir, responsable:, Improvement of the service of potable water improvement expansion of the service of drainage in the center town of chango, District municipality of chacayan, owner, draft, flat, Location, architecture, Projects, sheet, specialty, Pasco, Dptmto., mayor, Raymundo justiniano freddy ever, drawing, Daniela. Carrion, Chacayan, monkey, province, district, place, scale, Indicated, date, March, E.t.a., Plant cuts reservoir, responsable:, Improvement of the service of potable water improvement expansion of the service of drainage in the center town of chango, District municipality of chacayan, owner, draft, flat, Location, architecture, Projects, sheet, specialty, beam, Polished cement, your B. entry, beam, Polished cement, your B. entry, beam, Reception box detail, scale, Channel detail, scale, Prefabricated earthenware, scale, Pvc tube, Wall, Clay layer, Heavy gravel, Fine gravel, sand, mud, beam, Concrete supports, Clay layer, Pvc tube, Clay layer, Heavy gravel, Fine gravel, sand, mud, beam, Concrete supports, Clay layer, beam, Galvanized calamine, Coverage, Sole, Wall, Terrain profile, Excavation line, Spatter, cut, scale, To see in Talle encuentro, beam, Pvc tube, mesh, beam, cut, scale, mesh, Pipe support, beam, cut, scale, Estrib. rest, Stirrups rest, Estrib. rest, Stirrups rest, beam, Sole, Elevation portico column beam, scale, mesh, plant, scale, Detail, beam, brick, Anchor wire #, cut, scale, Triangular wood chilli, scale, column, Galvanized calamine, beam, Galvanized calamine, beam, cut, scale, Trapezoidal wood, scale, Galvanized calamine, belt, column, belt, cut, scale, Galvanized calamine, Chile, brick, Wooden beam, beam, column, Wall, mesh, Wall detail, scale, plant, scale, Spatter detail, Stirrups, Detail columns, scale, Pvc tube, beam, Terrain profile, beam, column, Dried bed plant, scale, Spatter, Reduc.pvc, beam, Wall cm, Reception box, entry, beam, Channel, scale, Pvc tube, belt, column, beam, Channel, Dried bed plant, scale, Percolation well, Spatter, Reduc.pvc, beam, Wall cm, Reception box, entry, beam, Channel, Pvc tube, beam, Channel, beam, Channel, Pvc tube, Percolation well, Pvc tube, Wall, Clay layer, Heavy gravel, Fine gravel, sand, mud, beam, Concrete supports, Clay layer, Pvc tube, Clay layer, Heavy gravel, Fine gravel, sand, mud, beam, Concrete supports, Clay layer, beam, Galvanized calamine, Coverage, Sole, Wall, Terrain profile, Excavation line, Spatter, cut, scale, To see in Talle encuentro, beam, Terrain profile, column, belt, column, Wood brushed screw, Galvanized calamine #, In the mesh to the center, In shoes

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Section
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Steel, Wood, Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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