House Of Telecommunications DWG Section for AutoCAD




Plants – Sections – Elevations

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Square, Rep., Detail slab tabelon, scale:, Vr, scale, stand, Plant foundations, Vr, Vr, Batteries, area, Antenna base, stand, Floor plan, scale, Square, Bar grille, Telecommunications, Measuring protection, area, stand, scale, main facade, Pend., Tabelon detail, scale:, Roof slab plant, scale, stand, Rafter beam, Loading beam, Ventilation grilles, Square head, Mesh unfolded, Right side facade, Bench with pipe, stand, scale, Antenna base, column, scale, Antenna base, stand, electrical installations, Bar grille, stand, Rear facade, scale, stand, scale, plant, Base foundation antenna, its T., Shoe, Rep. Cm., Bolts, Rep. Cm., cut, its T., cut, Rep. Cm., Foundation detail, plant, Rafter beam, Rep. Cm., column, Roof plant, Bolts, pedestal, scale, stand, Pend., Correction correction, date:, scale, Mva, updated:, Approved, revised:, calculation:, drawing:, draft:, by, Bitch, reviewed:, date:, date, index, reference:, number:, radial, do not. archive:, approved:, date:, Indicated, series:, Sheet no., reviewed, approved, stand, Telecommunication house, approved, reviewed, Sheet no., series:, Indicated, date:, approved:, do not. archive:, number:, reference:, index, date, date:, reviewed:, draft:, drawing:, calculation:, revised:, Approved, updated:, scale, date:, Correction correction, Pend., stand, scale, pedestal, Bolts, Roof plant, column, Rep. Cm., Rafter beam, plant, Foundation detail, Rep. Cm., cut, its T., cut, Rep. Cm., Bolts, Rep. Cm., Shoe, its T., Base foundation antenna, plant, scale, stand, column, Right side facade, Mesh unfolded, Square head, Ventilation grilles, Loading beam, Rafter beam, scale:, Tabelon detail, Pend., main facade, scale, stand, area, Telecommunications, Bar grille, Square, scale, Floor plan, stand, Antenna base, area, Batteries, Vr, Plant foundations, stand, scale, scale:, Detail slab tabelon, Rep., Batteries, area, Antenna base, Square, Bar grille, Telecommunications, area, scale, stand, Bench with pipe, scale, stand, electrical installations, Vr, stand, Floor plan, scale

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Section
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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