Housing 180m2 – Located Cap Federal – Buenos Aires DWG Section for AutoCAD




Architecture planewith PLants – Section – Stair detail; spredsheets and taglines

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

bar all boys, dining room, kitchen, bar, small room, access to bathrooms, interiors, winter garden, oblak door inlay., model :, frame, www.oblak.com.ar, ll.p, pinzon, av. Spain, andonaegui, bucarelli, good waters, rufino, av. triunvirato, capdevila, colodrero, pacheco, av. guillermo udaondo, e. prins., pedro exhausted, alte. onofre betbeder, victorino of the square, alte. daniel de solier, av. lidoro j. quinteros, alte. manuel j. Garcia, alte. j.p.saenz brave, sgto rosemary, hunters, husares, dragons, basavilbaso, artillerymen, minons, migueletes, pto.principe, tegucigalpa, alte. barilari, father neumann, n.mendez, cnel. sourigues, av. del liberator, montaneses, arribenos, greece, o’higgins, arcos, cuba, return of forced, av. cabildo, est. belgrano r., av. san isidro, amenabar, city of peace, molds, martin malharro, vidal, cramer, conesa, dr. b.velez, zapiola, quintana, pinto, cap.gral. ramon freire, av. general peace, aizpurua, f.moreno, alfonsina storni, miguel a. road, a.guttero, fournier, athos palma, count, superi, roque perez, melian, washington, dr. romulus s naon, estomba, posta, tronador, plaza, holmberg, donated, machain, mariano acha, lugones, miller, av. chorroarin, guevara, fraga, roseti, charlone, giribone, av. cordoba, av. alvarez tomas, gral. enrique martinez, thin, av. forest, vedia, peak, deheza, arias, ramallo, belt, ruiz huidobro, kisses, vilela, paroissien, av. Garcia del Rio, Av. Commodore Martin Rivadavia, Athens, Liverpool, Warsaw, BC. gral. benjamin victorica, treveris, gamarra, copenague, av. of the Incas, the temple, arismendi, behring, torrent, bauness, beech, gin, ballivian, china, av. tte gral. donato alvarez, caldas, heredia, calabria, zabala, cespedes, palpa, teodoro garcia, av. federico lacroze, olleros, maure, jorge newbery, tte. matienzo, viceroy of the pine, zarraga, viceroy aviles, viceroy arredondo, virrey olaguer and feliu, fco. of viedma, bynnon, amadeo jacques, cuzco, bueras, gana, madero, gallardo, barragan, fragueiro, el chasque, walk, vienna, madrid, aguaribay, marcelo gamboa, ayui, lascano, railway, arregui, caracnday, cochico, cangaye , the conquest, manuel porcel de peralta, brussels, rome, lisbon, dupuy, echenagucia, ruiz of the plains, irigoyen, curtain, portillo, lagrange, the criollo, victor hugo, moliere, fco. bauza, alicante, bahia, vigo, virgilio, av. lope de vega, hungary, cnel. pedro calderon de la barca, rodrigo de ibarrola, high grace, pablo lopez, cervantes, av. canonigo del corro, p. of the free, p.de valdivia, the colonies, coliqueo, jose verdi, the pint, the girl, the sta. Maria, v. fidel lopez, indian, argentine laurels, sto. take, frames tailor, nogoya, f.fader, nazarre, pedro lozano, tinogasta, of the economy, simbron, jose p. varela, cnel. ramon list, av. fco beiro, navarro, bermudez, quevedo, av. lastra, desaguadero, allende, benito juarez, marcos paz, l. from zamora, magdalena, dr. a.posadas, gabino ezeiza, diamond, belfast, boston, carlos chagas, miguel couto, columbia, leipzig, jose de marturana, h.de almeira, canada, albania, mohr, chiriguanos, e. wilde, f. linch, arribalzaga, rio colorado, ricardo, moner sans, cnel. fontana, monaco, jose luis cantilo, pedro moran, pio rodriguez, asuncion, new york, av. savior from the lane, av. francisco p. brunet, couple, havana, jose cubas, vallejos, gabriela mistral, carlos antonio lopez, griveo, ladines, av. san martin, jose leon cabezon, av. jose fagnano, helguera, estanislao zeballos, bell, llavallol, epecuen, concordia, bacon, emilio lamarca, la blanqueada, rosario, from the border, san nicolas, joaquin v. gonzalez, bahia blanca, av. chivilcoy, mercedes, gualeguaychu, sanabria, av. secure it, b. lavaysse, resurrection, j.f. bateman, sierra, grande, nevada, j. from solorzano, pereira, m.j. martinez, namuncura, h. of almeira, renque cura, ranqueles, j.de marturana, luis braile, paul groussac, martin fierro, e. de vedia, teodoro vilardebo, tokyo, zarate, the calandria, crainqueville, chimborazo, lapacho, ag. ceferino garcia, ag. d. I dedicate, the gazette, the delta, the nandu, the littoral, the commune, the tamer, the andes, the pilgrim, the fogon, bulgaria, argerich, nazca, terrada, condarco, bolivia, fco. lopez merino, gral. jose g. of artigas, zamudio, alfredo r. bufano, fray cayetano, caracas, hawk, bernardo de leon, av. of the constituents, bucharest, budapest, burela, oslo, altolaguirre, prague, belgrade, stockholm, constantinople, naples, turin, llerena, tasso, quiros, av. punta sands, av. from the countryside, baunes, montenegro, girardot, iturri, otero, rodney, guzman, m.demaria, p.de jerez, saints dumont, concepcion arenal, leiva, av. dorrego, casafoust, villafane, huaura, castle, loyola, aguirre, vera, currents, camargo, padilla, murillo, dolls, canuelas, martinez roses, av. warnes, acoyte, hidalgo, olaya, valentin virasoro, honorio pueyrredon, rojas, gral. Manuela. rodriguez, anasco, cucha cucha, pujol, denmark, guido spano, espinosa, paysandu, antwerp,

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Section
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Plastic, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Pool, Deck / Patio, Garage
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  • Released

    December 3, 2017

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