Plans Reservoir Of 400 M3 3D DWG Plan for AutoCAD




Details – specifications – sizing – Construction cuts

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Reservoir valve access, Esc., Detail of staircase type sailor, Income pipeline, Reservoir, Fº tubes, Galv., Footer bars, Galv., Anchorages, Fo. Galv., griddle, Tubes of, Fo. Galv., Anchorages, Fo. Galv., Bars of, Fo. Galv., Access duct, Pump booth, griddle, Fº tubes, Galv., Footer bars, Galv., griddle, Det. Metal door, Esc., Anchorages, Lac, framework, scale, Secc., Metal window, scale, Anchorages, platen, Iron bar, wire mesh, Coconut type, Anchorages, Vent tube Pvc, Reservoir roof, Nipple, flange, Of square section, Copper mesh, Against insects, Detail ventilation tube, Esc, scale, Metal door, Anchorages, tube, griddle, Bolts, Of expansion, Pillows, Of neoprene, Bolts, expansion, Pillows, Of neoprene, Bolts, tube, Gasket, hinge, Metal iron, channel, Anchorages, scale, cut, Anchorages, Reservoir access detail, Esc., padlock, griddle, Striated, cap screw, with, hole, For padlock, Irons, diagonally, opposite, section, Esc., Anchorages, Bolts, head, griddle, Striated, Hinges, Access detail valve housing, Esc., griddle, Striated, griddle, Striated, hole, For padlock, Anchorages, diagonally, Opposites, section, Esc., Plate of blows, Hinges, Lacquer iron, framework, Anchorages, section, Esc., Detail: roof finish in valve stand, Esc, ceiling, Pastry brick, Settled with concrete, brick wall, lightened slab, cap screw, with, hole, For padlock, Irons, diagonally, opposite, section, Esc., Anchorages, Bolts, head, griddle, Striated, griddle, Striated, hole, For padlock, Anchorages, diagonally, Opposites, section, Esc., Metal window, scale, platen, Iron bar, wire mesh, Coconut type, Anchorages, scale, Secc., Anchorages, wire mesh, Coconut type, platen, Iron bar, Detail: roof finish in valve stand, Esc, ceiling, Pastry brick, Settled with concrete, brick wall, lightened slab, tube, griddle, Bolts, Of expansion, Pillows, Of neoprene, Bolts, expansion, Pillows, Of neoprene, Bolts, tube, Reservoir valve access, Esc., Detail of staircase type sailor, Income pipeline, Reservoir, Fº tubes, Galv., Footer bars, Galv., Anchorages, Fo. Galv., griddle, Tubes of, Fo. Galv., Anchorages, Fo. Galv., Bars of, Fo. Galv., Access duct, Pump booth, griddle, Fº tubes, Galv., Footer bars, Galv., griddle, scale, Secc., Anchorages, wire mesh, Coconut type, platen, Iron bar, Gasket, hinge, Metal iron, channel, Anchorages, scale, cut, Anchorages, cap screw, with, hole, For padlock, Irons, diagonally, opposite, section, Esc., Anchorages, Bolts, head, griddle, Striated, griddle, Striated, hole, For padlock, Anchorages, diagonally, Opposites, section, Esc., Vent tube Pvc, Reservoir roof, Nipple, flange, Of square section, Copper mesh, Against insects, Detail ventilation tube, Esc, Vent tube Pvc, Reservoir roof, Nipple, flange, Of square section, Copper mesh, Against insects, Detail ventilation tube, Esc, Det. Metal door, Esc., Anchorages, Lac, framework, Plate of blows, Hinges, Lacquer iron, framework, Anchorages, section, Esc., Metal window, scale, platen, Iron bar, wire mesh, Coconut type, Anchorages, scale, Secc., Anchorages, wire mesh, Coconut type, platen, Iron bar, Detail: roof finish in valve stand, Esc, ceiling, Pastry brick, Settled with concrete, brick wall, lightened slab, scale, Metal door, Anchorages, Gasket, hinge, Metal iron, channel, Anchorages, scale, cut, Anchorages, M.s.n.m., Proy., Reservoir, Valve stand, Dn to the reservoir, Projected, Drive line, Projected, Dn to the reserv., Drive line, The drainage network, Channel, perimetric, Clean, Overflow, rack, Metal, see, Pvc, Dn service, Goes the first zone of, Comes from the derivation, Pump booth, Lps, Given from, concrete, Wall detail, wall, Stuffed with wool, Wood Ribbons, Nordex bored, Fiberglass, Fibraflox, Ceiling detail, Wood Ribbons, ceiling, Fibraflox, Ceiling detail, Wood Ribbons, ceiling, wall, Stuffed with wool, Wood Ribbons, Nordex bored, Fiberglass, Wall detail, framework, tempered glass, jonquil, cut, Esc., cut, Esc., framework, tempered glass, jonquil, Detail window of typical glass of antirruido, scale, Reservoir valve access, Esc., Detail of staircase type sailor, Income pipeline, Reservoir, Fº tubes, Galv., Footer bars, Galv., Anchorages, Fo. Galv., griddle, Tubes of, Fo. Galv., Anchorages, Fo. Galv., Bars of, Fo. Galv., Access duct, Pump booth, griddle, Fº tubes, Galv., Footer bars, Galv., griddle, Reservoir valve access, Esc., Detail of staircase type sailor, Income pipeline, Reservoir, Fº tubes, Galv., Footer bars, Galv., Anchorages

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Reservoir valve access, Esc., Detail of staircase type sailor, Income pipeline, Reservoir, Fº tubes, Galv., Footer bars, Galv., Anchorages, Fo. Galv., griddle, Tubes of, Fo. Galv., Anchorages, Fo. Galv., Bars of, Fo. Galv., Access duct, Pumping booth, griddle, Fº tubes, Galv., Footer bars, Galv., griddle, Det. Metal door, Esc., Anchorages, Lac, framework, scale, Secc., Metal window, scale, Anchorages, platen, Iron bar, wire mesh, Coconut type, Anchorages, Vent tube Pvc, Reservoir roof, Nipple, flange, Square section, Copper mesh, Against insects, Detail ventilation tube, Esc, scale, Metal door, Anchorages, tube, griddle, Bolts, Of expansion, Pillows, Of neoprene, Bolts, expansion, Pillows, Of neoprene, Bolts, tube, Gasket, hinge, Metal iron, channel, Anchorages, scale, cut, Anchorages, Reservoir access detail, Esc., padlock, griddle, Striated, cap screw, with, hole, For padlock, Irons, diagonally, opposite, section, Esc., Anchorages, Bolts, head, griddle, Striated, Hinges, Access detail valve housing, Esc., griddle, Striated, griddle, Striated, hole, For padlock, Anchorages, diagonally, Opposites, section, Esc., Plate of blows, Hinges, Lacquer iron, framework, Anchorages, section, Esc., Detail: roof finish in valve stand, Esc, ceiling, Pastry brick, Settled with concrete, brick wall, lightened slab, cap screw, with, hole, For padlock, Irons, diagonally, opposite, section, Esc., Anchorages, Bolts, head, griddle, Striated, griddle, Striated, hole, For padlock, Anchorages, diagonally, Opposites, section, Esc., Metal window, scale, platen, Iron bar, wire mesh, Coconut type, Anchorages, scale, Secc., Anchorages, wire mesh, Coconut type, platen, Iron bar, Detail: roof finish in valve stand, Esc, ceiling, Pastry brick, Settled with concrete, brick wall, lightened slab, tube, griddle, Bolts, Of expansion, Pillows, Of neoprene, Bolts, expansion, Pillows, Of neoprene, Bolts, tube, Reservoir valve access, Esc., Detail of staircase type sailor, Income pipeline, Reservoir, Fº tubes, Galv., Footer bars, Galv., Anchorages, Fo. Galv., griddle, Tubes of, Fo. Galv., Anchorages, Fo. Galv., Bars of, Fo. Galv., Access duct, Pumping booth, griddle, Fº tubes, Galv., Footer bars, Galv., griddle, scale, Secc., Anchorages, wire mesh, Coconut type, platen, Iron bar, Gasket, hinge, Metal iron, channel, Anchorages, scale, cut, Anchorages, cap screw, with, hole, For padlock, Irons, diagonally, opposite, section, Esc., Anchorages, Bolts, head, griddle, Striated, griddle, Striated, hole, For padlock, Anchorages, diagonally, Opposites, section, Esc., Vent tube Pvc, Reservoir roof, Nipple, flange, Square section, Copper mesh, Against insects, Detail ventilation tube, Esc, Vent tube Pvc, Reservoir roof, Nipple, flange, Square section, Copper mesh, Against insects, Detail ventilation tube, Esc, Det. Metal door, Esc., Anchorages, Lac, framework, Plate of blows, Hinges, Lacquer iron, framework, Anchorages, section, Esc., Metal window, scale, platen, Iron bar, wire mesh, Coconut type, Anchorages, scale, Secc., Anchorages, wire mesh, Coconut type, platen, Iron bar, Detail: roof finish in valve stand, Esc, ceiling, Pastry brick, Settled with concrete, brick wall, lightened slab, scale, Metal door, Anchorages, Gasket, hinge, Metal iron, channel, Anchorages, scale, cut, Anchorages, M.s.n.m., Proy., Reservoir, Valve stand, Dn to the reservoir, Projected, Drive line, Projected, Dn to the reserv., Drive line, The drainage network, Channel, perimetric, Clean, Overflow, rack, Metal, see, Pvc, Dn service, Goes the first zone of, Comes from the derivation, Pumping booth, Lps, Given from, concrete, Wall detail, wall, Stuffed with wool, Wood Ribbons, Nordex bored, Fiberglass, Fibraflox, Ceiling detail, Wood Ribbons, ceiling, Fibraflox, Ceiling detail, Wood Ribbons, ceiling, wall, Stuffed with wool, Wood Ribbons, Nordex bored, Fiberglass, Wall detail, framework, tempered glass, jonquil, cut, Esc., cut, Esc., framework, tempered glass, jonquil, Detail window typical of anti-noise glass, scale, Reservoir valve access, Esc., Detail of staircase type sailor, Income pipeline, Reservoir, Fº tubes, Galv., Footer bars, Galv., Anchorages, Fo. Galv., griddle, Tubes of, Fo. Galv., Anchorages, Fo. Galv., Bars of, Fo. Galv., Access duct, Pumping booth, griddle, Fº tubes, Galv., Footer bars, Galv., griddle, Reservoir valve access, Esc., Detail of staircase type sailor, Income pipeline, Reservoir, Fº tubes, Galv., Footer bars, Galv., Anchorages

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Glass, Wood, Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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