Sewer Project DWG Full Project for AutoCAD




Sewer net with wells and peaks – Dates of project

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Fernando ferrer delgado, from the rivers, Mouth zoquiapan, Sn. Joseph, Aragon, Sta. Cross of the future, saint. Juan Baptist Atatlahuaca, Cotahuixtla, Nacaltepec, Santiago, Sn. Fco., the Union, Morale, Sta. Ma, Yolotepec, Tepec, Cieneguilla, saint. John the baptist, Jayacatlan, Etla, onyx, Sta., Martha, Sn. Juan, Of the state, Stodgo, high, Sn. Miguel Etla, Guelache, Sto., Sanj, of God, Etla, Kings, low, Dgo. B., Magdalena Apasco, Sn. Jose finca, Sn. Agustin etla, Sn. John the baptist, Sn. Francisco, Dry plan, the, Sn. Fco., waterhole, Trunks, Stgo., Huitzo, Tongo, Telixtlahuaca, wool, Mining area, Sta. cross, saint. Paul, Hda. White, The mogot, Morelos, Etla, Morelos, Stgo., Oaxaca, saint. Pablo etla, Sn. Sebastian etla, Sta. Cross etla, Gpe., location, Maple plant, general, H. City council of santiago nacaltepec, Clay board construction, Santiago nacaltepec, Central valleys, Cuicatlan, Oaxaca, Topographic plant, Of plans, scale, current population:, Project population:, endowment:, input:, elimination:, treatment:, Network length:, pipeline:, Use diameters:, template:, Trench width, habitants, By gravity, Polyvinyl chloride pvc, Cms cms, Cms., Cms. Cms., Head of atargea:, manifold:, Interceptor:, transmitter:, Well of common visit:, Well number, Well height:, Sense of runoff:, Natural terrain quota:, Trawl height:, Project data, Notes references, General symbology, Formulas, Harmon manning, The width for cm diameter pipes will be cm cm., The width for cm. Of diameter will be cms. Cm template., Will be used for construction of wells, Used quarry stone quarry for construction of socks, Use permatec sealant for pvc standard rubber rings for tub union., Use concrete broach with, Excavation filling compacted with using material product of the excavation. Perform proctor test, Excavation fill Flip, Hand field cleaning, Total excavation volume with machinery in type material, Fine granular material template with cm thickness, location, general plant, H. Constitutional council, sewerage system, Santa Maria, South Zone, center, general plant, Of plans, scale, plant, partition, Joined, plant, cut, Flattened with, mortar, pro., tube, Common visit well, Concrete crusher fofo., water well, variable, Firm concrete, Strip of material, Bituminous tape, Asphalt that guarantees, Its tightness, Standard type, Steps, Of cast iron, pro., mortar, Sealed with, pro., mortar, Sealed with, proportion, Sealed with, mortar, Pipe of, Pvc elbow, Stalls, Saddle, Shaft of atarjea, Saddle, Pvc elbow, Pipe of, Stalls, Home connection, current population:, Project population:, endowment:, input:, elimination:, treatment:, Network length:, pipeline:, Use diameters:, template:, Trench width, habitants, By gravity, Newholic pvc sewer, Cms cms, Cms., Cms. Cms., Head of atargea:, Well of common visit:, Well number, Well height:, Natural terrain quota:, Trawl height:, Project data, Notes references, General symbology, Formulas, Harmon manning, The width for cm diameter pipes will be cm cm., The width for cm. Of diameter will be cms. Cm template., Will be used for construction of wells, Used quarry stone quarry for construction of socks, Use permatec sealant for pvc standard rubber rings for tub union., Use concrete broach with, Hand field cleaning, Total excavation volume with machinery in type ii material, Fine granular material template with cm thickness, Dump filler, template, Rammed, Filler details, loin, Notes:, The width of the trench for pipes of diameter cm will be cm, The template for diameter cm pipes shall be cm., Shall be filled at least cm above the spine of the tube with tamped material, The remainder of the trench will be filled with dump material from the excavation., The width of the trench for pipes of diameter cm will be cm, Sn. Joseph, Aragon, Sta. White cross, saint. John the baptist, Santa Maria, the Union, Morale, Sta. Ma, Tepec, Jayacatlan, onyx, Sta., Martha, Sn. Juan, Stodgo, high, Sn. Miguel, Sto., Sanj, Kings, Dgo. B., Magdalena, Sn. Jose finca, Sn. Agustin, Dry plan, the, Sn. Fco., Trunks, Stgo., Tepotitlan, Mining area, Sta. cross, saint. Paul, Hda. White, The moolino, Morelos, San pedro yecatitla, Stgo., downtown area, saint. Fernando del rincon, Sn. Sebastian, Sta. cross

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
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File Type dwg
Materials Concrete
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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